Captain Falcon dies for our sins...

SometimeafterhewasthoughttobedeadafterbeingsuckedintoDarkSpacevortexwithBloodFalcon)ontheplanetTank,CaptainFalconreappearedonDonGenie ...,Falconstaystruetohisword,andDeathbornapparentlydies.BothbeltsuniteintotheUltimateChampion'sBelt,andFalconvow...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Captain Falcon (Anime) - F

Sometime after he was thought to be dead after being sucked into Dark Space vortex with Blood Falcon) on the planet Tank, Captain Falcon reappeared on Don Genie ...

Captain Falcon - F-Zero Wiki

Falcon stays true to his word, and Deathborn apparently dies. Both belts unite into the Ultimate Champion's Belt, and Falcon vows to keep winning so he can ...

獵鷹隊長衝鋒陷陣,死亡之戰! (Captain Falcon ...

2021年1月14日 — 【看影片學英語】數萬部YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

Reggie-800's Nintendo Secrets

2022年1月13日 — Captain Falcon's Death: Falcon Punch was created for Smash Bros, but it did appear ONCE in official F-Zero canon.


2023年9月6日 — Captain Falcon's Death: Falcon Punch was created for Smash Bros, but it did appear ONCE in official F-Zero canon.

Never forget that Captain Falcon Died for our sins.

2018年9月15日 — No, it's not Ryu Suzaku, that anime isn't really canon. It's still Douglas J Falcon, the original Captain Falcon in all of the Smash games.

So Captain Falcon is dead.

2021年6月15日 — Captain Falcon is officially a jobber now.


SometimeafterhewasthoughttobedeadafterbeingsuckedintoDarkSpacevortexwithBloodFalcon)ontheplanetTank,CaptainFalconreappearedonDonGenie ...,Falconstaystruetohisword,andDeathbornapparentlydies.BothbeltsuniteintotheUltimateChampion'sBelt,andFalconvowstokeepwinningsohecan ...,2021年1月14日—【看影片學英語】數萬部YouTube影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。,...
